Google Glass – Mirror API

In one of my previous posts you could read how to make Glassware with the GDK. Glassware that has been made with the GDK can be run offline on the Google Glass and is actually installed on the device itself. It also gives you the flexibility to use the device’s sensors and camera, but in the end it takes a lot of time to build something.

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Java Tutorial – Before we start off

Java is one of the most popular programming languages around, this probably was the reason for my high school to teach this language and stick to it during the entire education. Now looking back at what I’ve learned I decided on explaining Java for dummies, so enjoy!

When you are learning Java there are a few things you need to know before you can start developing. I will explain these things as simple as possible so everyone understands what is happening. Java is not only a programming language but is a platform as well, I will explain both.

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Google Glass – Making your first Glassware

Making and deploying your first Glassware

What are we going to do?

We will make Hello World Glassware to demonstrate how to make and deploy your first Glassware to the Google Glass.
Before you start you need to make sure your computer recognizes your Google Glass by following the steps of this article.
This Glassware is an example of an immersion. An immersion gives the developer the possibility to render the view. It replaces the timeline by an application.

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Things you should know about Google Glass

Usage of the Google Glass

How to control the Google Glass

The Google Glass can be controlled on two ways, it has a touchpad and voice recognition.
The touchpad can be tapped to open a menu or selecting an item, it will also turn the display on if it’s not on yet.
By swiping from the back to the front (or front to back) you can scroll through the menu and timeline.
If you swipe down you will go back, for example when you are in the settings and you want to go back to the timeline. It will also turn the display off when you are at the Home card.
The voice recognition can be used by saying “ok glass” at the Home card, by saying this you will see all possible command. (For example “google” to open google search.)

The Google Glass Home card that will be triggered by tapping or saying "ok glass"

The Google Glass Home card that will be triggered by tapping or saying “ok glass”

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